Magical! Thanks for sharing your beautiful soul!

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Thank you for your generously kind words!! And you used one of my absolute favorite words to describe what you read. Thank you for reading and commenting!! XO

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Your poem reminded me o one I wrote originally in 2020 and revised a few times, including a week ago. Here's a link to "The First Time" on my Substack:


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I like this one! Nicely done. XO

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Thanks for connecting me to those songs. I've heard other ones from each of them, but never these. It was fun to encounter this after our 24 inches of snow in New Hampshire on Saturday. All previous signs of winter had melted, then a fabulous Nor'easter just sat over us all of Saturday and gave us all the snow we didn't have in the first part of winter. Thanks for the essay and poem.

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Ohhhhh...how wonderful! Mostly because you know it won't stick around long. Our cold spell finally broke here in Washington state, and we had a few really beautiful afternoons, on the weekend, even, so I can enjoy them. My lilac bush under my front windows is beginning to bloom, so I can't wait to throw open the windows above it and make the whole house smell like a dream. Next week is my spring break from work, so I'll be outside a lot!!!!

I love searching for cover songs online to dance to, so I end up picking a lot of never heard of people and I find some really good ones. It's rare that I even listen to regular radio any more, I have playlists that I have built with everything from soundscapes to heavy metal because I love the variety and I love music. If you continue to read, you'll find some other good ones along the way.

And, thank you SO much for continuing to read and for your kind comments!! It is a real treat to have someone else reading my ramblings. XO

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Mar 18Liked by Danielle

I, too, love the rain and the fresh-washed feeling it gives the world. We don't have snow here, except on the higher mountains, and sometimes on our mountains nearby in very cold weather, but it sounds magical.

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It is lovely, especially when it doesn't stick around too long. We live so close to the mountains, we can also go there often to enjoy the snow. Thanks for reading!! XO

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